California's Salmon and Steelhead The Struggle to Restore and Imperiled Resource
This book documents the story and pinpoints the way Californians have mistreated and exterminated most of the state's salmon and steelhead runs. The engineers who ran the Bureau of Reclamation that built the great Central Valley water projects and others had little interest in saving the fishes. "Bureau policies made fisheries expendable," says Lufkin. "While national emergency restrictions could partly explain the bureau's earlier neglect of fishery values, that excuse was invalid. Had the bureau genuinely acknowledged fish and wildlife values, fish protection planning could have begun with preliminary engineering studies and been realistically paced throughout the planning process. That did not happen."
Provenance: Contributed to Sipnuuk Food Security Collection by Sibyl Diver, phD Candidate at UC Berkeley, in association with her dissertation research (especially materials pertaining to Traditional Ecological Knowledge, co-management, eco-cultural restoration, and Ti Creek) as well as her research for the Karuk Historical Land Management Timeline that was a project of the Karuk-Berkeley Collaborative.
Rights: University of California Press