Food Sovereignty Assessment Tool
Abstract: There are many assets to Native food systems. Increased consumption of healthy and traditional foods may lead to better health among community members, preserving one of the most important assets in any community, its people. Of course, healthy, productive people are a cornerstone of any healthy community, but the last 200 years of federal policy toward Native Americans has reduced their control of land, disrupted traditional agricultural practices, and dramatically changed diets. Despite challenges created by historical practices and current environments in Native communities, there are many examples of successful projects whereby people are reclaiming local food systems, educating community members about diet-related diseases, revitalizing traditions associated with agriculture, and developing new food and agricultural enterprises. Food sovereignty assessments are one strategy that can be used to help reach these goals, and to revitalize Native agricutlrue and food systems. Implementing these tools will assist in identifying barriers and opportunities in the areas of health, economic development, and cultural revitalization as they related to food and agriculture. Provenance: Contributed to Sipnuuk Food Security Collection by Sara Reid, Staff Research Associate at UC Berkeley, in association with her work with Jennifer Sowerwine coordinating Objective 8. Klamath Basin Food System/Sovereignty Assessment in the AFRI grant.