Sharing Power, Learning-by-Doing in Co-Management of Natural Resources Throughout the World


From the introduction: "We believe our “open” understanding of the co-management concept is helpful to situate it in a historical context and to avoid using it in a restrictive sense, which is a real possibility as the term, along with the term “partnership”, is becoming accepted jargon and even a buzzword. In this sense, we wish to con- tribute to an empowering adoption of the approach by national decision-makers and, most of all, by indigenous and local communities and civil society at large. We wish this volume to contribute to disseminating valuable experiences, enhancing reflection and capacities, and promoting inter-cultural and interna- tional comparison and cross-fertilisation. As “explicit” partnerships to manage natural resources are a growing phenomenon throughout the world10 and as crit- ical environmental and social situations clamour for action, we believe that our attempt to systematise the co-management concept and practice has a chance to be useful."

Provenance: Contributed to Sipnuuk Food Security Collection by Sibyl Diver, phD Candidate at UC Berkeley, in association with her dissertation research (especially materials pertaining to Traditional Ecological Knowledge, co-management, eco-cultural restoration, and Ti Creek) as well as her research for the Karuk Historical Land Management Timeline that was a project of the Karuk-Berkeley Collaborative.

Rights: (2004) by Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend and Michel Pimbert. See document for more details.